17 & 18 November 08
with Anusc Castiglioni & Marisa Grande
This workshop is a journey which investigates the dynamic of body, light and space. It shows the way into the poetic world of shadowplay.
Exploring its origins as a 'double' and a 'subtle body', we enter the fields of imagination and discover the evocative power of shadow.
Based on Shadow-theatre principles and techniques, integrating years of experience in the field of stage creation and pedagogy, the workshop is lead by Anusc Castiglioni (set designer and shadow-theatre director) and Marisa Grande (dancer and shadow-performer).
Both have met during their work for the worldfamous group Teatro Gioco Vita, Piacenza (Italy). More information about the teachers hereby.
For: mime players, puppeteers, dancers/movers
Amount of participants: limited to 16. First come first serve!
Place/time: Ostadetheater, Van Ostadestraat 233 d, Amsterdam
Monday 17/11/08
time: 13:00-17.00 and 19:00-22:00
Tuesday 18/11/08
time: 10:00-12:00 and 13:00 - 17:00
Fee: € 130
More information: 020 671 24 17 Ostadetheater, ask for Eliane Attinger
Registration: please fill in the form hereby
* The workshop takes place in the framework of RISK - days of visual theater, November 19 - 24, 2008 (see www.ostadetheater.nl).
* Participants of the workshop can buy tickets to all performances of the RISK festival at reduced price
* Depending on availability and curiosity to explore further, participants will have the opportunity to join the Imps@Work&Soup! on November, 24th 2008, during the RISK festival. The Instant Composition practice is initiated by Thomas Johannsen in collaboration with Ostadetheater (see www.ostadetheater.nl).
* The teachers
Anusc Castiglioni is an Italian artist based in Milan.
She works as stage designer for theater, exhibitions, location projects and fashion. In 1988 she graduated at the Academy for Stage Design of Brera, Milan. Since 1989 she collaborates with the Italian Shadow theater Company Teatro Gioco Vita creating performances and exhibitions, making stage and costume design, creating original shadow-puppets and lights.
Since 1989 she gives workshops of Visual Art and Shadow Theater for children, teachers and professionals in the field of theater. Since 2005 she teaches preliminary study for light and shadow at NABA New Academy for Visual Art of Milan.
In 2001 she directed El Retablo del Maese Pedro music opera for shadow for the musical week of Siena produced by Accademia Chigiana.
She created the exhibition/performance Un mondo di figure d’ombra – Omaggio a Lele Luzzati which since 1996 has being touring in 12 European cities including Centro Culturale di Bélem of Lisbona, World Festival of Charleville-Mézières, Festival Teatro d’Europa, Piccolo Teatro of Milan and Luzati's Museum of Genova.
In 2007 she directed the shadow theatre performance Babar produced by Teatro Giocovita touring at this moment all over Europe.
In the last four years she is collaborating as a set designer with the director Paolo Magelli between Belgrade, Fiume, Rieka.
Marisa Grande is an independent artist based in Amsterdam. The rich diversity of her education and experience has influenced her performance work, integrating various languages into one theatrical event. Since 1990, she has taught extensively, specializing in contemporary dance and movement training in physical theatre. In the last thirteen years, her pedagogical approach expanded to encompass dance and improvisation as Instant Composition.
She is giving workshops on Movement Technique, Movement Research and Improvisation throughout Holland and abroad.
In recent years, her performance work has developed from extensive research in the relationship between dance, live music, storytelling, film and video.
Among some of her works are: Dialogues with the Invisible, Aspro, Scatola Magica, Singing the bones.
In 1988 she graduated at the Theatre school of Milan in the department “Laboratorio teatro-danza” subsequently she broaden her experience in the field of physical theatre through the Jerzy Grotowsky’s work method.
In 1997 she graduated from the Amsterdam Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, division New Dance Development, here she specialized her knowledge of body and movement through the work of Body-Mind Centring, Release and Hawkins Technique, Contact Improvisation and Instant Composition.
She worked with the Italian shadow-theatre company Teatro Gioco Vita where she developed understanding of the qualities of light in relation to the body and the animation of original shadow-puppets. Within the company, she met Anusc Castiglioni with whom she collaborated to develop a specific pedagogical approach to body-shadow and Multimedia Performance Installation.