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31st May 2009: Fools and Objects
time: Soup at 18:00, Performance at 19:30
place: De Zaal, Nijhoffstraat 42, in Arnhem.
The discipline of object/puppet theatre will meet this time with a specific brand of improvised theatre:
"Fooling" is a way to compose a performance in the moment, by letting all your 'inner voices' speak. In Arnhem lives and works a group of experienced Fools who regularly give instantly composed performances. On their website: www.arnhemsefools.nl they are describing in more detail how they work. (The website is in Dutch, and Dutch language might also be used in this performance.)
For Imps@work&soup! they have started a collaboration with Thomas Johannsen to explore what object/puppet theatre has in stall for them. This collaboration will culminate in a public Fools performance on 31st of May.
performers: Anita Kooij, Edgard Geurink, Fabiƫnne Belleflamme, Pimm, Paul Greidanus and Willem-Paul Nijs
facilitation: Thomas Johannsen
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